Winter (brrr) Fun (brrr) for Chaos! Part 1

Winter is here!!!


I hate being cold so I admit readily that I don’t really like Winter.

It’s cold.

Very cold.

But… the kids LOVE winter, and it is Katrina’s favorite season (what does she know, she’s only 5).  So this Friday we (Larry, Katrina, Samuel Wisdom and I) took the opportunity to go our for a walk to the little forest that is nearby.

We didn’t make it to the little forest because Larry and Wisdom found a BIG ice patch on the way.  It was situated right by a little hill which provided the perfect launching pad for gathering momentum and sliding on the ice. Needless to say, Katrina and Samuel were thrilled.

At one point during the fun, the kids and Larry needed more ice surface to play in so Larry looked around to see what can help him clear all that snow off the ice.  Then he got that gleam in his eye, picked up Katrina, plopped her face down on the snowy ground, told her to hold her arms out in front of her, and there it was, a human snow plow.  She loved it, Samuel had a turn being a human snow plow as well.  It got tiresome after a while… for Larry… those kids weigh quite a bit all bundled up, add a bunch of snow and after a while he couldn’t push anymore.

On Saturday we ran around doing some errands and some cleaning and stuff, and in the evening Larry and I went on a double-date with James and Emily (how weird is that!) to watch the movie I Am Legend.

I don’t like too much suspense and thrills in movies.  I know that something is going to pop up, jump out, scream, shriek or whatever, and the waiting drives me crazy.  There is the build-up with the music, the scene is filmed in such a way that you know something is coming.  Something bad, ugly, scary, or just something to tease and trick you into jolting your heart into overdrive and draining your adrenaline gland dry.

This movie had a bit of that in it, so that wasn’t fun, but the rest of the movie was pretty good.  I loved the character of Sam the best.  I think the actress was stupendous in portraying bravery, loyalty and companionship.  Will Smith was pretty good too.

During the movie the sound went a little off for a few minutes which was not good since the movie theater was a brand new theater.  However, at the end of the movie, we were all given a free movie coupon, so that was cool!  We all had a pretty good time.

Then Sunday came…

The Day of The Snow Storm!

The Meeting House cancelled all their services at all sites, and that was a first for them, but not unexpected.

It took Larry and me close to 4 hours to shovel my driveway and build a fort (more on that another time), and then we went to his house and shoveled his driveway for another hour or so.  Jonathan and his girlfriend Kassey helped a bit.

Driving to Larry’s was okay until we got to his neighbourhood, which hadn’t been plowed.  We did quite a bit of driving that night since we had to pick up James’ from Emily’s house (he walked for 4 hours to her house in the snow- more on that on another post), and we drove Kassey home later on.  The van got stuck in the snow almost in front of Larry’s house.  A few people helped us get unstuck, and James and Larry in turn helped another stuck driver get free.

Larry’s pants had gotten wet while helping me with my driveway, and then he got another pair soaked while doing his driveway.  He had nothing left to wear except shorts, and that is what he was wearing while getting the van unstuck, and helping the other man get unstuck, and helping push yet another car over the snow.  He was wearing running shoes too…

He’s crazy, but not as crazy as Jonathan and James.  Watch this movie taken by Kassey during the snow storm with her phone.  Larry edited the movie and added the appropriate sound track.

It’s been a tradition for the kids since they were little to run out in the snow in bare feet and no coats.  Shorts and sunglasses are optional.

That was our Wonderful Winter Weekend Wonderfun.

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