The Chaos of Customization

I have been trying for HOURS to customize this template, which I like very much, except for the blue frames and buttons and font that seem to pop up in my front page, no matter how much I edit the code. I just can’t seem to make the changes stick for those particular features and it’s driving me crazy.
I have been using the Custom CSS Manager plug-in, along with my own web browser’s editor AND Dreamweaver and I just can’t seem to make the changes I make stick.
I will keep trying….

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In the mean time, I will begin posting articles on my journey to a healthier state of being, recipes that my daughters and friends can access, on going sewing, knitting and crochet projects, homeschooling helps, organizing ideas and finds, and whatever may be helpful and interesting to share with others.

I would love to know what you think about this post, please comment below;